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New England League of Middle Schools are leaders in promoting middle level best practices by providing collaborative learning experiences that support students’ intellectual, academic, social, and emotional growth and success.


The New England League of Middle Schools is a nonprofit organization filed under Massachusetts Articles of Corporation. Its organizational structure is governed by a constitution and bylaws drafted and approved by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is comprised of elected representatives from each of the New England states, as well as an Educator Representative, a Professor of Middle Level Education Representative, and a Business Representative.

membership information

For membership information, please click the "CLICK HERE" button.

To join and pay online by credit card, please click the "JOIN NOW" button.

Membership Period

July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025

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New England League of Middle Schools

PO Box 887, Georgetown, MA 01833-0887

Phone: 877-402-7627

©2025 by NELMS

The New England League of Middle Schools  is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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